where Fulbe live
Country Locations
The Principal
Traditional Fulanis regions are: Adamawa, Kanem-Bornou, Masina, Futa-Jallon,
Futa-Toro and many other regions in West Africa .
Fulanis are found in significant numbers include the following republics:
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, The Gambia, Guinea Republic, Guinea Bissau, Chad, Mali,
Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra-Leone, Sudan (See Table: Fulanis
Country Statistics)
Countries with a large
number of Fulanis
Ethnic Groups and
Nigeria, which is Africa's most populous country, is composed of
more than 250 ethnic groups; the following are the most populous and
politically influential: Hausa and Fulani 29%,
Yoruba 21%, Igbo (Ibo) 18%, Ijaw 10%, Kanuri 4%,
Ibibio 3.5%, Tiv 2.5%Muslim 50%, Christian 40%, indigenous beliefs 10%
Population: 130 million
Fulani: 9%
Growth rate:
Oromo 40%, Amhara and Tigre 32%, Sidamo 9%, Shankella 6%, Somali
6%, Afar 4%, Gurage 2%, other 1% Muslim 45%-50%, Ethiopian Orthodox 35%-40%,
animist 12%, other 3%-8%
Population: 54 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,64%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,64%
Cameroon Highlanders 31%, Equatorial Bantu 19%, Kirdi 11%, Fulani 10%, Northwestern
Bantu 8%, Eastern Nigritic 7%, other African 13%, non-African less than
1%indigenous beliefs 40%, Christian 40%, Muslim 20%
Population: 16,2 million
Fulani: 10%
Growth rate: 2,34%
Fulani: 10%
Growth rate: 2,34%

Hausa 56%, Djerma 22%, Fulani 9%, Tuareg 8%, Beri Beri (Kanouri) 4.3%, Arab, Toubou, and Gourmantche
1.2%, about 1,200 French expatriatesThe Fulani who, together with their herds,
are concentrated in the Dosso-Agadez- Maine-Soroa triangle. Some have also
settled in the West, around Tera, Say and Niamey .
They predominate in certain parts of Maradi, Tessaoua, Mirriah and Magaria
Districts. Sometimes they live alongside Tuaregs and Toubous. (ref :
Upenn)Muslim 80%, remainder indigenous beliefs and Christian
Population: 10,6 million
Fulani: 9%
Growth rate: 2,7%
Fulani: 9%
Growth rate: 2,7%

Fulani 40%, Malinke 30%,
Soussou 20%, smaller ethnic groups 10%Muslim 85%, Christian 8%, indigenous
beliefs 7%
Population: 7,8 million
Fulani: 40%
Growth rate: 2,3%
Fulani: 40%
Growth rate: 2,3%

distinct groups; in the north and center: Arabs, Gorane200
(Toubou, Daza, Kreda), Zaghawa, Kanembou, Ouaddai, Baguirmi, Hadjerai, Fulani,
Kotoko, Hausa, Boulala, and Maba, most of whom are Muslim; in the south: Sara
(Ngambaye, Mbaye, Goulaye), Moundang, Moussei, Massa, most of whom are
Christian or animist; about 1,000 French citizens live in ChadMuslim 51%,
Christian 35%, animist 7%, other 7%
Population: 9 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,27%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,27%

African 99% (42 Ethnic groups, most important being Fon, Adja,
Yoruba, Bariba), Europeans 5,500Indigenous beliefs 50%, Christian 30%, Muslim
Population: 6,8 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,91%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,91%

African (37 Ethnic Groups; largest and most important are Ewe,
Mina, and Kabre) 99%, European and Syrian-Lebanese less than 1%-Indigenous
beliefs 51%, Christian 29%, Muslim 20%
Population: 5,2 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,48%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,48%

Baya 33%, Banda 27%, Mandjia 13%, Sara 10%, Mboum 7%, M'Baka 4%,
Yakoma 4%, other 2%- Indigenous beliefs 35%, Protestant 25%, Roman Catholic
25%, Muslim 15%
Population: 3,6 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 1,8%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 1,8%

Akan 42.1%, Voltaiques or Gur 17.6%, Northern Mandes 16.5%,
Krous 11%, Southern Mandes 10%, other 2.8% (includes 130,000 Lebanese and
20,000 French) (1998)- Christian 20-30%, Muslim 35-40%, indigenous 25-40%
(2001) note: the majority of foreigners (migratory workers) are Muslim (70%)
and Christian (20%
Population: 16,8 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate:
Fulani: small
Growth rate:

Mossi over 40%, Gurunsi, Senufo, Lobi, Bobo, Mande, Fulani.- Burkina Faso
also has several hundred thousand Fulani nomads in the northern part with their
goats, sheep, and other livestock.- Indigenous beliefs 40%, Muslim 50%,
Christian (mainly Roman Catholic) 10%
Population: 12,6 million
Fulani: 8%
Growth rate: 2,64%
Fulani: 8%
Growth rate: 2,64%

African 99% (Mandinka 42%, Fulani 18%, Wolof 16%, Jola 10%,
Serahuli 9%, other 4%), non-African 1%- Muslim 90%, Christian 9%, indigenous
beliefs 1%
Population: 1,4 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,09%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,09%

Black African 98.5% (major tribes - Akan 44%, Moshi-Dagomba
16%, Ewe 13%, Ga 8%, Gurma 3%, Yoruba 1%), European and other 1.5% (1998)-
indigenous beliefs 21%, Muslim 16%, Christian 63%
Population: 20,2 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 1,7%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 1,7%

African 99% (Balanta 30%, Fulani 20%, Manjaca 14%, Mandinga 13%, Papel 7%), European and mulatto less than
1%- indigenous beliefs 50%, Muslim 45%, Christian 5%
Population: 1,3 million
Fulani: 20%
Growth rate: 2,23%
Fulani: 20%
Growth rate: 2,23%

Mande 50% (Bambara, Malinke, Soninke), Fulani 17%, Voltaic
12%, Songhai 6%, Tuareg and Moor 10%, other 5%-
Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1%
Population: 11,3 million
Fulani: 17%
Growth rate: 2,97%
Fulani: 17%
Growth rate: 2,97%

Maur 30%, Fulani, Soninke,
Wolof, Haratin - Muslim 100%
Population: 2,8 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,92%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,92%

Wolof 43.3%, Fulani 23.8%, Serer 14.7%, Jola 3.7%, Mandinka 3%, Soninke 1.1%, European and Lebanese 1%,
other 9.4%- Muslim 94%, indigenous beliefs 1%, Christian 5% (mostly Roman
Population: 10,6million
Fulani: 23,8%
Growth rate: 2,91%
Fulani: 23,8%
Growth rate: 2,91%

native African tribes 90% (Temne 30%, Mende 30%,20 other
30%), Creole (Krio) 10% (descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled
in the Freetown area in the late-18th century), refugees from Liberia's recent
civil war, small numbers of Europeans, Lebanese, Pakistanis, and Indians-
Muslim 60%, indigenous beliefs 30%, Christian 10%
Population: 5,6 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,31%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,31%

Black 52%, Arab 39%, Beja 6%, foreigners 2%, other 1%.The Fulani nomads are found in many parts of central Sudan
from Darfur to the Blue Nile . In the Eastern Sudan there are
large colonies of Fallata the name by which the Fulani are called. They are also
called Teckruri and believed to number between 1 and 2 millions.In Darfur groups of Fulani origin adapted in various ways to the presence of the Baqqara
People. Sunni Muslim 70% (in north), indigenous beliefs 25%, Christian 5%
(mostly in south and Khartoum
Population: 37 million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,73%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 2,73%

Somali 85%, Bantu and other non-Somali 15% (including
Arabs 30,000)-Sunni Muslim
Population: 7,7million
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,46%
Fulani: small
Growth rate: 3,46%

ithnic Tigrinya 50%, Tigre and Kunama 40%,i
Afar 4%, Saho (Red Sea
coast dwellers) 3%, other 3%.
TheFulani (Tekruris) have been part of the Eritrean society.
The common story of their origin is that they were
in pilgrimage to Mecca and stayed in Eritrea and Sudan
Afar 4%, Saho (
TheFulani (Tekruris) have been part of the Eritrean society.
The common story of their origin is that they were
in pilgrimage to Mecca and stayed in Eritrea and Sudan
Population: 4,362,254
Fulani:1-2 million
Growth rate:1.28%
Fulani:1-2 million
Growth rate:1.28%