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10 يوليو، 2014

No to homosexuality in Africa

Uganda and other African
nations rightfully say no to
homosexuality. America
threatens to cut food/
financial aid to Uganda if it
does not legalize the deviant
behavior of homosexuality.
Uganda is Africa not America,
why can't America mind it's
own damn business? America
has enough of it's own
problems; like a crumbling
infrastructure, second rate
school systems, massive
obesity, and a failing
America/Europe trying to
force homosexuality down
the throats of Africans has
nothing to do with human
rights. That's the rhetoric
they tell you to cover up the
truth. The real reason they
want Africa to accept
homosexuality is to
destabilize the African family
structure, and reduce the
black population of Africa.
If two men or two women are too busy munching carpets and eating tube steaks, they won't be giving
birth to new life. Notice how
America is not trying to
force the Arab nations of
North Africa to be gay?

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Ɓii Pullo : Babiker Mohamed